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Re: (NON LBC) Leave Scooby-Doo out of it

Subject: Re: (NON LBC) Leave Scooby-Doo out of it
From: "Gary E. Sanders" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 15:32:22 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: Delta Research Inc.

On 19-Apr-00 wrote:
>>From: "Gary E. Sanders" <>
>>Reply-To: "Gary E. Sanders" <>
>>Subject: (NON LBC) Leave Scooby-Doo out of it
>>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:38:37 -0500 (CDT)
>>well, all
>> >>I can say is Rotsa Ruck.
>>I find this comment offensive to cartoon dogs everywhere
>>PC makes me nauseous
>     I'm not an authority on grammar, Bit I think being "made
>     nauseous" means you make others want to puke. If "PC makes you
>     nauseated", means you want to puke all by your self.
>     HAND:)
> Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
> That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...
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I didn't intend to send my reply to this to the list, but since I did let me
make amends in public also.  I have been accused (rightly so) of being nasty to
Greg.  I offer my sincere apologies to Greg, and to the list in general.  I
even learned something about my knowledge ( or lack thereof ) of the English
language.  My original post was intended to be a light hearted attempt to poke
fun at the concept of PC in general, and specificly to the comments on this
list.  My reply to Greg was short, rude, and ultimately in error. Perhaps my
second sentence above can be termed a "Freudian slip"

E-Mail: Gary E. Sanders <>
Date: 19-Apr-00
Time: 15:18:18

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