The advice I receive on the Triumph and Spitfire lists is invaluable.
Fortunately, it's free. Don't consider this a flame, but why would I
consider paying you for advice when I can get the same -- good or better --
from a half dozen people more than willing to help for the sheer joy of
helping a fellow enthusiast keep his British car on the road?
As long as lists and enthusasites sites like mine exist that offer "sage
advice" for free, I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for yours -- however --
I'd gladly answer your question for free, provided that I had the answer.
My suggestion is that you provide your advice for free, but sell banner
advertisements on your site to sponsors who are trying to reach the same
people you are helping. That way, you'll attract more visitors to your
site, which will in turn, drive up the rates that you can charge to
sponsors. Content is king on the Internet. Provide content and the rest
will fall into place. Hoard content for a fee and you're venture is doomed,
At least, that's MY two cents. And considering that my advice is free, you
can take it or leave it.
Best wishes and good luck with your venture.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Hill <>
To: MG Nuts <>
Cc: Triumph- List <>
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 12:53 PM
Subject: How much would you pay for advice
> Hello, All.
> I am setting up a paid advice service soon, for British Classic Cars. This
> will be backed by my 26 years' expewrience with Brit classics-owning,
> running, restoring-plus the contacts I have made in 15+ years' freelance
> journalism for classic and kit car mags.
> Now, hold the flamethrowers because I'm not advertising, nor would I on
> list. But I do need some help in setting the rate.
> The providing company is American so I need to know what you think is a
> reasonable rate for sage advice. In the UK, I would put it at about £5
> sterling per successful answer-no charge if I'm unable to satisfactorily
> answer the question.
> What would be the equivalent in the US? In the UK, the proposed price is
> about 1.5 gallons of fuel, a bit more than a car mag, less than a cinema
> ticket, etc. The company wants 20%, or $2, whichever is the greater, per
> query.
> Any suggestions? Sensible, that is...;-)
> Dave Hill
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