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re: 3 Questions

Subject: re: 3 Questions
From: Kevin & Shelley Elliott <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 22:08:06 +0200

The others have answered your other questions well, but the wheel
bearing answers posted are rather contradictory.

Tapered rollers MUST be pre-loaded, otherwise the weight of the car on
the bearing will cause the wheel wobble. It does cause noticeable drag
when you spin the wheel, though. I had the same problem on my landrover,
but there the answer was to use a spring balance on the spanner to get
the right pre-load, wind up a lock nut, then hammer up a tab washer...
(crude, but it works). No wonder BMW sold LandRover to Ford! 

Go with Mike Ferguson's answer. 

Kevin (ex lurker & ex TR3A owner)

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