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Anyone replaced a TR6 rear transmission seal lately??

Subject: Anyone replaced a TR6 rear transmission seal lately??
From: "Peter Innocenti" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 21:22:17 -0600
Greetings All,
   Being a shade tree mechanic, I pulled my 74 TR6 on to the front 
lawn today to replace the rear transmission seal. Upon jacking the 
car up and crawling underneath I was immediately defeated. It 
would seem virtually impossible to replace the seal without 
completely removing the two exhaust pipes that are blocking 
access to the rear of the transmission. It doesn't appear that the 
pipes can be spread apart enough to gain access. Does anyone 
have a handy trick to replacing the seal? Right now it just doesn't 
seem worth the trouble, I'll just keep letting my TR mark it's 

Thanks much,

Pete Innocenti
74 TR6

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