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Re: Was :Re: Stag Motor Question...

To: Jeff Johnson <>,
Subject: Re: Was :Re: Stag Motor Question...
From: "Peter C." <>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 10:14:56 -0500
References: <><002e01bfa007$e60ba000$1801a8c0@oemcomputer><>
At 07:09 AM 4/7/2000 , Jeff Johnson wrote:

 the average person would say " Oh, that's ok, I'm going to unload this
>Unload, as if they're going to foist a poorly maintained car on some 
>unsuspecting John Q. Public.

Or alternatively, the customer is begging for a cheap repair because he's
unloding the car, only to show up at the shop's door a year later
complaining the belt broke. btdt waayy too often
Peter C

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