Date sent: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:00:55 EDT
Subject: Q's
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While I have the oil pan (sump) cover off, I want to set the #1 cylinder at
tdc and make a mark somewhere on the outside (pulley?/block). My terribly
basic question is what is the best way to turn the engine by hand - using the
starter isn't possible at this point. Do I need to remove the fan?
Or, do I recall that there's a marking or a flange on the pulley already.
Also, (I think I know the answer to this but...) is there any way to tell if
it's on the compression or combustion stroke?
65 4A
With the plugs removed you can easily rotate the crank with the
fan.Block the plughole of nr 1 with your fingertip and rotate the
crank until you feel compression, you are approaching TDC ,
precise turnover can be checked by inserting a thin about 7 inches
long wooden stick into the plughole,continue slowly to rotate and
watch the movement of the stick, It will move down until
turnover point is reached and then it goes up again. Use a very thin
but firm stick and only insert it when the piston moving up.Do it
carefully and you will get a very precise indication.