I won't mention any names but I once asked someone on the list about a
certain tub/chassis and was quoted $50 MORE than what he was advertising
it in the VTR classifieds. So much for breaks from the listerati. Who
needs enemies?
I don't mind someone plugging a TR item they're selling no matter what
the forum. What I hate more is when someone informs the list about some
Ebay triumph item just because THEY saw it. Hey if people don't know
that Ebay has Triumph stuff by now then they've been in a cave
somewhere. And anyhow I'm probably trying to buy that TR item cheap so
SHADDUP about it!!
wizardz wrote:
> Really! Here we all are ...sharing knowledge and wisdom
> for free...and this guy doesn't even offer up to the list first.
> sorry...but I just have to say.... HOW IGNORANT!
> Paul Tegler wizardz@toad.net http://www.teglerizer.com
> OBie - '73 BGT - daily driver
> http://www.teglerizer.com/mgstuff/ob_description.htm
> Punkin' - '78 Spitfire - corner ripping screamer
> http://www.teglerizer.com/triumphstuff/spit78.htm
> Lil' Greenee - '73 RWA Midget - lady killer
> http://www.teglerizer.com/midgetstuff/index.html
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Gordon <tgordon@saginaw-city.k12.mi.us>
> To: bethken@erols.com <bethken@erols.com>
> Cc: triumphs@autox.team.net <triumphs@autox.team.net>
> Date: Sunday, March 26, 2000 7:09 PM
> Subject: Re: Air Shocks for Triumph Spitfire GT6 Corvette
> >
> >Ken,
> >
> >As a lister, and an eBay buyer and seller, I am not sure that I like the
> >list being used to point me towards eBay for something that you haven't
> >even asked the list if they are interested in buying.
> >
> >We know that the list has representatives of the big 3 plus a number of
> >other small parts companies (you often see their commercial taglines in
> >their replies to questions), but I never see them "selling or promoting"
> >what they have on offer.
> >
> >It's not that I mind listers trying to clear out useable items that could
> >help a fellow enthusiast down the way (and I've picked up items just that
> >way), and I don't mind folks putting stuff on eBay where the return might
> >be higher (and if I'm interested, I'll look there for stuff anyway), but I
> >do resent listers using my bandwidth to advertise unashamedly wares that
> >they want to sell in a different forum.
> >
> >Incidentally Mark B. does run a list just for folks to sell items -
> >autojumble - and he encourages folks to advertise anything they want to
> >sell as blatently as they like on that list (for obvious reasons).
> >
> >How about offering items for sale to the list in the future, and then put
> >the stuff on eBay or Autojumble if nothing happens? That way, we get the
> >chance of acquiring your treasures, and making them ours, and you can feel
> >like you're helping fellow listers.
> >
> >I apologise for seemingly taking you, personally, to task on this matter -
> >you are not the first by any means, nor will you be the last, to post eBay
> >ads to the list, but the message earlier in the Digest where a lister had
> >made a point of first using the list to sell items really struck home, and
> >then, blow me down, your message was in the same digest!
> >
> >A corollary thought, if there is one, is directed to the list in general,
> >and seeks thoughts on what forms of sales pitch are acceptable on the list
> >to users. Any thoughts from the great and and good? Am I just be too picky
> >once more? Is the answer really 42?
> >
> >(Dave M. - is this 1, 2 or 3 layer NmX one?)
> >
> >Tony Gordon
> >72 TR6
> >80 Spit
> >
> >
> >