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II.Electrical Snafu-Don't Turn the Heater On!TR6

To: "" <>
Subject: II.Electrical Snafu-Don't Turn the Heater On!TR6
From: "D. Michael Scott" <>
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2000 19:17:04 -0500
Sorry about my first empty message - getting a little shaky/twitchy with
these snow days and no top-down fun.

Just out with the 75 TR6 and giving the heater controls/fan knobs a try,
I have no response whatsoever from the heater system.  However, as it
has done previously, every time I turn the heater on, a fuse blows and
both the temperature and fuel gauges go dead.  After I replace the fuse,
and leave the heater controls alone, my gauges work fine!

I only bought my TR6 in July 1999, but now hoping to figure out the
sacred Lucas Script and any further electric hexes sent forth from the
DPO/dreaded prior owner.
Any suggestions, incantations or basic 101 TR6 electrics would be very

Hope you can crank up and cruise soon. Thanks for your help, D. Michael

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