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Re: Do I hear $40,000?

Subject: Re: Do I hear $40,000?
From: Randall <>
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000 13:37:39 -0800
Cc: "''" <>
References: <>
Jim Hill wrote:
> Am I the only person on this list who's not offended by someone trying to
> sell what appears to be an _extremely_ well restored FI TR6 in a national
> market for some $20k USD?

Not only am I not offended, but I don't understand what the fuss is
about.  The car certainly isn't worth $20K to me either, but that
doesn't mean it isn't worth that to someone else !  Or that the current
owner is foolish for asking that much.

In spite of the ready availability of parts, it's easy to spend $20K
restoring a TR6, especially if you pay a fair rate for all the labor
involved.  I'd have to say that, if you have $20K to spend, and a fully
restored TR6 is what you want, it makes far more sense to buy an already
restored car than to buy a project and possibly spend twice that having
it restored, with uncertain results.

Like so many other collectables, value is in the eye of the man with the
Or, it's worth whatever someone will pay for it. <g>

BTW, does anyone know how many original PI TR6s are left in North
America ?


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