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RE: Instrument Lights

Subject: RE: Instrument Lights
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:00:53 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
I just got my dash together and installed a few weeks ago, including new
instrument lites. This was in a TR250, but I assume (oh oh.....might be in
trouble already) the bulbs I used would work in a TR3 also. Picked up Wagner
1449 bulbs from one of the local auto supply stores. They work just fine.
The bulbs come in a box of 10, and the store clerk seemed amused that I
wanted more than one or two. Must have figured I was planning on blowing up
bulbs for the entertainment value.
Good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: Erkan Hassan []
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 11:35 AM
Subject: Instrument Lights


I took out the tach and speedo this weekend, dismantled and cleaned
them up.  They look brand new.  It's amazing!!  The car will probably
run better now too!.

Anyway, I need to replace several of the dash lights on my 62 TR 3B
which illuminate the instruments.  Checking the archives this morning,
I discovered 2 things.  First, I should have disconnected the battery
first to avoid the light sockets shorting out.  (This may be my next

Second, the bulb recommendations I found were for Wanger 1446 and
Delco L 1449.  I called several auto part stores in the area and no
one has Wagner 1446.  However, one was able to find and order Wagner
1449.  Does anyone know if 1449 is the correct bulb??  Can anyone shed
some "light" on the issue?

Please advise
Erkan Hassan
62 TR 3B

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