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Re: TR3A Won't Start

To: "Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC" <>
Subject: Re: TR3A Won't Start
From: Chad Stretz <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 07:47:44 -0600
References: <>
Have you tried putting some fresh fuel in the car?  It doesn't take gasoline
very long to attract moisture/go stale.  I would suggest that you disconnect and
block the fuel line to the carbs, drain the float bowls, (a Mityvac or similar
works great for this) pour some fresh fuel in, put the tops back on the bowls
and try to start it again.  If it starts and runs longer than the initial vroom
then there's your answer.  You'll definitely need to have the choke linkage
hooked up as best you can when it's cold, but it sounds like you've done that.
Good luck, and let us know what happens.
Chad Stretz
73 TR6

"Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), GLSVC" wrote:

> Fellow LisTRs --
> I received my '58 TR3A (TS41439L) not quite 2 weeks ago. If some of you
> recall, when I got it, it wouldn't start. The car was transported over 5000
> miles during a two week delivery span. It started when it was picked up in
> Oklahoma and driven on to the car carrier.
> The weather here in Connecticut has been so cold that I haven't been able to
> spend much time on trying to start it in my unheated garage (don't go
> there). But, here's what I've done:
> -       checked that the fuel pump was pumping. Seemed OK
> -       checked for clogged fuel lines. None
> -       removed the air filters. OK
> -       used my every day car to "jump" the TR's battery. Still didn't start
> -       sprayed starting fluif (let it go) into the carbs while I had my
> other car's battery in line. VROOOMMM!
>                         It started! Then died.
> So, from what I can gather, if I can get fuel to the carbs, the car will
> start. I'm just not sure where to go from there without removing the carbs
> from the car. When I received the car, the choke linkage was disconnected.
> Lacking the proper clevis pins, I used wire to reconnect the linkages. The
> connections are very loose. I'll try to get the proper linkage from the
> hardware store later today.
> The throttle seems to work OK. Any ideas?
> TIA,
> Red Hansen

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