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rivers non-lbc

To: <>
Subject: rivers non-lbc
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 07:37:01 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
The Potomac River which seperates Va. & Maryland, is owned by the the state
of Maryland to the low point of the tide on the Va. shore. Some years back,
a few very bright Maryland money people, discovered this and installed
casinos along the river front in Va., after about 15 years of this, Maryland
changed the law on slots so as they could only be licensed where Maryland
residents could walk too, and the slots left Va. shores. On the beltway (Rt
495) that circles around Wash. D.C., the bridge crossing from Va. into Md.
has a neat situation should a accident happen, the bridge starts in Va., so
this section is Va. state property, it then goes over a Coast Guard light
house, this makes it Federal property, it then goes over the Potomac river,
this makes it Maryland property, it then reaches the marked main channel,
this makes it Wash. D.C. (Wash. owns the channel to the light house), it
then crosses over the river marsh, and this makes it Maryland property.
Anytime a wreck happens on the bridge, law enforcement has to know what
section is involved.  "FT"

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