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Re: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content)

To: Bill Gunshannon <>
Subject: Re: GBP 60 for shipping!?! (little LBC content)
From: Robert Carley <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 15:23:25 -0500
Organization: University of Guelph
References: <>
Bill, your computer is sending out messages dated from 1969.  It shows
as 12/31/69 7:00 PM.

Did Y2K get you?


Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> According to UPS's web site calculator, it would have cost me $120 to
> ship my old starter back to Rimmer to recover the $20 or $30 core
> charge.  Needless to say, I kept it.  I will have it rebuilt locally
> and keep it as a spare.  But even if I hadn't planned this in the
> first place, I doubt I would have shipped it back anyway.  Makes the
> periodic "no shipping" deals from Rimmer look a lot more attractive.
> bill
> --
> Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
>         |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
> University of Scranton   |
> Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>

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