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Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale

To: "Janssen, Lee K" <>
Subject: Re: The Backorder Factory (TBF) Winter Parts Sale
From: Dan Buettner <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 12:12:13 -0600
References: <>
>I just checked the web page for The Backorder Factory (TBF) and there is no
>mention of when the winter sale starts. Has anyone heard anything?

I corresponded with John Swauger over e-mail late last week; he 
stated that the sale had begun last Monday (that would be the 17th), 
and that sales flyers were in the mail last week.

I haven't received mine yet; hope to get it today.  I wish it were 
available on the Web in a more timely manner, but hey -- we're all 

I did receive a nice little $25 gift certificate postcard several 
days ago, good until the end of the month on any order over $50.

To add my two cents' worth to the TRF discussion: I have had only one 
item backordered with them, and John was up-front with me on the 
phone about the fact that it would be backordered, and also that they 
did not have an arrival date.  My invoice for the rest of the order 
also clearly stated that said item was on backorder.  As I don't need 
the item yet, and they were up-front with me about it, I am perfectly 
happy and have not ordered it from elsewhere.

I don't have a long history with TRF, but so far they've been good to 
me, and I will continue to order from them, as their primary business 
is keeping my hobby going.  I can't honestly say the same of VB, from 
whom I bought a good portion of my Spitfire many years ago.  They 
provided good service, were prompt and not outrageously expensive, 
but they also provided parts which were often not original and 
sometimes of suspect quality.

I have yet to deal with Moss, BPNW, Spitbits, or any of the other 
sources, so I won't comment on them at all.

Anyway ... I'm sure I'm stoking the fires all over again, so I'll 
just quit now.


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