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Re: Just joined today!

To: "Beth & Ken" <>
Subject: Re: Just joined today!
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 06:34:56 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
I'l give you $1,100!


Ken writes:
>I'm here to help you. That car will give you nothing but grief. I'll be a
>buddy and give you $1,000 sight unseen for it.
>ken shapiro
>1970 GT6+ KC81872L
>P.S. This is a joke...intended to create humor...not really trying to rip
>off the guy.

P.S.  I'm only kidding, too.  It's probably the wrong color and would clash

with my light blue TR3.

P.P.S Good find Mark.  Hang on to that car.

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