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Re: layshaft thrust washers

To: "Douglas Frank" <>
Subject: Re: layshaft thrust washers
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 20:41:36 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "List Spitfires" <>, "List Triumph" <>
References: <>
Hi Douglas
Yes there is one very obvious difference, this being the outside diameter,
the front one has a larger dia, the hole in the middle is the same diameter
and providing you need the same thickness both ends I see no reason not to
butcher (technical speak) a large one down to a small one. Make sure the
small tang to prevent rotation is long enough to reach the area that will
remain after you have cut it down to size. You could leave a small lug
sticking out to bend back to do this job.  The method I would use would be
to take a black marker pen and colour the steel side of the new washer.
Place the new large washer black side up on the laygear pin then put the old
small one on the pin. this will give a good location for the next step. Draw
round the small one with a scriber or other sharp pointed item. Nice clear
easy to see line place the large washer black side up on a
smooth flat hard CLEAN surface (I have a chunk of steel about 6x6x2 for this
kind of thing) then take your centre punch  and using a small hammer strike
dots on the line about 1/16" apart, you only need small dots. The dots are
to make the line easier to see in the next step as the pen may rub off
making the line hard to see! Take a good sized bolt and two washers that
cover the hole and use them as a mandrel to hold the washer then grind off
the outside until you are approaching the line (use either a bench or angle
grinder) when near the line use a file to finish removing material to the
line. As a last step put a small champher on the edges to remove any sign of
the dots. The finish does not have to be exactly to size or round but as
near as possible.
If you need to go this route and are not certain I will try to elaborate
some more.
I hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: Douglas Frank <>
To: Triumphs <>; spitfires <>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 7:14 PM
Subject: layshaft thrust washers

> Listers,
> Can anyone tell me if there's a difference between the front and rear
> thrust washers, on a GT6?  Spitbits catalogs the front one but not the
> for some reason. (And in only one thickness, apparently?)
> thanks
> --
> Douglas Frank  Compaq Computer Corp.  Friendship, n.
> ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.     A ship big enough to carry two in
> 603-884-0501   Nashua, NH USA 03062   fair weather, but only one in foul.

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