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RE: Changing the TR6 Coolant

To: "'TR6 List'" <>
Subject: RE: Changing the TR6 Coolant
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 12:18:34 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
> From: Philip Haldeman []
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 10:56 AM
> I can't see how to get the plug out of the block.  This is
> necessary, right?  There's not enough room for my socket 
> wrench


Yes it's necessary to drain the coolant from the block.

All you need is to get a u-joint for your socket set. I think the socket is
3/4" and with a u-joint (or other flexible extension) you should have ho
problem getting the plug out. Once it's loosened, you can just use your
fingers. Be careful when it's about to come out cuz it's easy to drop it and
spend a few minutes searching around the starter to find it (ask me how I
know this).

At least his works for me.

Good luck.

--- Peter Zaborski  CF58310UO ---

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