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Re: Halogen bulbs

To: Malcolm Walker <>
Subject: Re: Halogen bulbs
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 11:48:17 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Malcom writes:
>Halogens are so bright because they burn extra hot- and they last a long
>time because of some magic Physics thing that causes the boiled off atoms
>of the filament to do an about-face and smack back into the element.
>As such I highly recommend them for headlights (all our cars have
>halogens, the TR4 gets 'euro'-spec Bosch H4)


I think its appropriate to point out here that halogen bulbs have a smaller

bulb inside made of quartz (glass would melt) that acts like a greenhouse.
It allows visable light out but reflects infrared back onto the filament so
filament burns hotter but with no additional electrical input.  The end
is more light for the same watts.

Additonally, if the halogen bulb draws the same watts as a conventional
it will generate no more heat than a conventional bulb.  (Of course the H4
available in higher wattages and will generate more heat and trip circuit 
breakers (ask me how I know))

IF 2 Watt halogen dash bulbs were available they would make the instruments
brighter and create no more heat than conventional bulbs.  That is IF they
available and one could afford them.


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