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Re: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??

To: <>
Subject: Re: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 19:36:22 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "List Triumph" <>
References: <>
Hi Paul
For what it is worth I converted a Herald to alternator and had nothing but
trouble with it I took it to Lucas to have it checked out and they said that
it was the auxiliary (after market) ammeter causing the problem as the
current was being routed all round the car (worked ok with generator) and
that the correct thing to do was to fit a voltmeter, as per the later cars,
to indicate battery condition / rate of charge (wired accordingly) also take
a feed straight from the alternator to the battery(live side of the
solenoid) as the original wiring was border line for the available current
of the alternator.
I also have a 2000 sedan with alternator and additional wire for the higher
current still running with the stock ammeter and this works ok, never shows
full scale deflection though it now reads charge during discharge and vice
versa one of these times I will change the wires on the rear, then it will
read right.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 4:56 AM
Subject: I need a broken amp meter for TR 2/3/4..Anyone??

> I need a broken amp meter for an experiment.  I have recently put a
> alternator on a TR4a and the customer wants to have an original looking
> meter that will read correctly with the high output alternator and I think
> that I can modify a factory amp meter to read up to 60 amps accurately.  I
> just need a broken meter that I can take apart and rework since there is
> guarantee that this will work.  I dont want to destroy a good working
> Got one..please let me know..
> Paul Cordts
> Custom Cars, Inc.

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