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Free stuff

Subject: Free stuff
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 19:43:16 EST
Hello list 

The floorboard and the sill appear to be spoken for many times over! 

I went back today and got some more items, and primarily beyond my own 
interests was looking for things that people had requested. This little 
adventure is done as tomorrow all items remaining go in the dumpster.
I have some sorting to do, but I will offer to the list:

TR4 seat rails - not horrible but not great either. The bottom rails have 
some rust.
Original lug wrench
Early TR3 bumper springs (brackets) 2 only 1 long, 1 short
TR4A EGR valve (flat thing above the valve cover)
Jack ratchet handle TR3/4
Screw type control box, somewhat gnarly
TR3 non-synchro first gearbox

There are also some w/s wiper motors I may not wish to keep. Let me know if 
you are looking for one. I don't know if any of them work!
I also snagged a generator, which did not exactly match any TR3-4 generator I 
have ever seen. I thought it might be from a very early car, or perhaps some 
other Triumph? It looks essentially the same as a TR3/4 gen but there are no 
screw/spade connectors in the back. There are two screw connectors on the 
top, and the rear has a sort of egg shaped housing on it. Anyone have any 
ideas on this one? Could be from an MG or even a VW for all I know.
First posted, first served.

Ken Nuelle
(Packrat, momentarily sated)

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