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Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers)

To: "John Macartney" <>, TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 11:04:26 -0500
Message text written by "John Macartney"
>You forget Dave. I drove rather more left hand drive cars than right hand
ones. Girls in
London in those days were always more attracted to cars with the "wheel on
the wrong" side
than ordinary UK domestic versions. Of course, there's always a remote
possibility they
might have been attracted to the driver but in such cases it's likely they
only had 1/20


Either that or it was all those cars for export and there is a legion of
American ladies still talking about how Italian men have nothing on the


P.S.  I still haven't got Linda "interested" in the RHS Standard, yet.

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