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>>From what I can remember from this afternoon, I used a white wire with
stripe, a red or maroon wire as the battery and a white cable as the
accesory. These are the labels on the ignition switch, maybe I missed one,
there was a double white cable hanign there too and a black cable on the
floor. They had undone the ignitions switch so I don't know which goes
where. The car is in a warehouse sop I won't be able to check on this until
next weekend, it's not the kind of neighborhood you can work in at night if
you know what I mean ...
Thanks for the info. I now have a plan of what to look for.
Jack Levy
Uh oh. The PO undid the switch? Trouble. Warning Warning! Danger Will
Robinson! Better get a wiring digram and start from there. If the PO
substituted wires one can get really confused real fast. Even me, an
electrical engineer.
But basic knowledge of the ignition system will help, however. And a
tach/dwell meter, too. And a voltmeter. Without these items you are
relying on luck.