On Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:50:48 -0400
Bill Kelly <bk54@erols.com>
Wrote Subject: Herald Hubcaps
Can anybody comment on the quality of the hubcaps being sold under the
part number 122806 (Herald, Vitesse, Spitfire up to Mk. 3, GT6) by TRF?
Is the chrome nice & thick? Is the shape correct? How about Rimmer Bros?
Any other good sources?
Or should I rechrome the originals at twice the price?
Bill Kelly
'62 Herald, almost on the road again
'68 TR250 (don't ask, 'cause I ain't tellin')
122806 sounds like an original stanpart part number, but I'm not so sad as to
go and look in the parts manual to check, unless you really want me to ;-)
Bet Andy knows it by heart!
I cannot vouch for the quality of TRF parts, but suspect that they are
selling modern repro' hubcaps/nave plates, and merely identifying them using
the original part number.,(not the greatest of sins).
If this is indeed the case, then I must warn you that the modern repro's that
I have seen over here on this side of the pond, are NOT correctly shaped.
The originals have definite shape to them, ie: the edges are more defined,
whereas the repro's have much softer curved edges.
I suspect that there is much less pressure being used in pressing them out,
than was used on the originals, and to my eye, they just look plain wrong.
I suggest that you restore your originals.
Besides, if you know of a good chroming shop, then you will most probably get
better chrome than you will find on any repro' part.
(come to think of it, the chroming on the originals was of varying quality!!!)
ps.If you have 5 or 6 originals, then get them all chromed at the same time,
then you'll have some spares for when you'll inevitably need them.
Best Regards
and good luck.
L�on F Guyot
(years of hubcap chasing to my name!)