Listers :
This morning, while picking up my radiator at the local shop, I also picked
up a brochure for "Gas Tank Renu". They claim to blast the tank back to
bare metal, repair holes or damage of any size (welding in repair metal if
necessary), then coat the tank inside and out with "plastic" that is
impervious to "gasoline, water, diesel, high octane, methanol and alcohol".
The results are guaranteed for life. I was told the average cost for
repair and treatment is about $200 (US). There are 57 dealers across the
US, with more throughout the world. The guy at my shop, whom I trust and
respect, said it works very well, and he's never had a 'comeback' with it.
Their web site is : but I'm told the list of
dealers there is outdated and you should call 800-932-2766 or 313-837-6122
for the dealer nearest you. For those who are interested, they are also
looking for more dealers ...
No financial, haven't tried it myself, etc.
59 TR3A