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Re: Caliper pad break-in

Subject: Re: Caliper pad break-in
From: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:36:03 -0500
I thought that if a rotor is "turned" than it was cut with a
stationary bit or cutter.  If the rotor is "machined" than it
was cut down with a rotating head of some sort producing
those cool swirl patterns.  My father said that helps
the pads break in faster.  He also told me to
"rough up" the pads with 120 grit sand paper.
I make sure I get ALL grit off the pad before I install it.

>Subject: Re: Caliper pad break-in
>From: "Michael Ferguson" <>

>Not sure about new pads on old rotors, but your note reminded me that my
>local non-LBC mechanic swears by having new rotors turned before installing.
>Says even new ones aren't always true. Maybe he's just conning me, trying to
>make a buck, but he only charges a few bucks each, so he's not making much!
>Coincidentally(?), the marks left on the newly turned rotors are in a swirl
>pattern. Maybe there's something to your emery cloth idea.


Brian Borgstede                 I
Telecommunications Engineer,                 I  '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis       I
Instructional Technology Center I          TR-250
Phone:  (314) 516-6433          I       (or 2 or more)
Fax:  (314) 516-5294            I

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