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RE: Brake Light Switch

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: RE: Brake Light Switch
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 11:20:17 -0500

Sumner Weisman wrote:

> I bought [a brake light switch] from Moss (p/n 542-110) that
> lasted one year and then had the same symptoms as yours.  I then got one
> from TRF which is still like new about 3 years later.  It's a dangerous
> situation, because normal brake pressure is never enough to illuminate the
> lamp.

When my brake light switch failed, I took it to an auto parts store and
found an _adjustable_ switch that would fit . . . and can be set to come on
when the brake is even lightly applied. Not authentic TR6, but neither is a
caved-in rear end when your switch stops working (which you won't know about
until someone either tells you or hits you).

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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