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TR4A alternator conversion: ammeter shunt

To: Triumph List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: TR4A alternator conversion: ammeter shunt
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:27:24 -0400
I did the work for installing a shunt across my ammeter in preparation for
alternator conversion.  I tried the 3.5" of 18 gauge wire as recommended
for a TR3 ammeter.  Well, it was too short and the ammeter read too low.

With all the lights on (low beam), but ignition off, the system draws 10A
on my unmodified ammeter.  With the 3.5" wire, it read 2 or 3 amps.

I then pulled off one of the "quick-connect" plugs off the ammeter and
a second, overly long wire wire to the post on the ammeter.  I then cut the
long wire progressively shorter until I got the ammeter to read 5 amps.

I then attached a male (fully insulated) connector on the end of the long
wire and
attached it to the female end of the original (too short) wire.  

Getting all this done required an enormous act of contortion, and long
needle nose pliers to get the connectors on the spare connectors on the

After all this it is impossible to measure the length of the overall shunt
wire, but it is about
9 or 10 inches.  

I'd advise others to attach a 4-5 inch wire with two female quick-connects
to the driver's side
connector on the ammeter.  Then do as I did and progressively shorten a
second wire intil
the ammeter reads the desired reading, then add the male connector on the
second wire.

This is the "Ricky Riccardo" technique (or is it the Monte Carlo


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