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List Fragmentation

To: "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: List Fragmentation
From: "Chris Lillja" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:53:53 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
(All IMHO)

Hi gang,

I've been lurking in digest mode for the summer, but this thread has
definitely gotten my attention. I really wish the list wouldn't fragment any
more. When the Spitfires list really got going I really liked it at first,
but I just couldn't keep up with both lists in real time, so I went to
digest mode on Spits, R/T on triumphs, now I'm down to just digest mode on
the Triumphs, TR8 and Stag mailing lists. It's still real hard to keep up at
all and I guess I'll have to drop the TR8 and Stag digests when I go back to
real time mode on triumphs.

My point is that if you are a "TR" person, you really should welcome any and
all contributions regarding all Triumphs, not just the "sporting ones."
There is SO MUCH TO BE LEARNED, and so many of these cars share technology
if not actual MAJOR components. I use those quotes around "sporting ones"
because I fervently believe ALL Triumphs are sporting from the 948 Herald to
a TR8. Mayflowers are sporting in their own wonderful "badminton" sort of
way (and if you don't think badminton's a sport you've never done it
correctly) and as far as the 2000 roadster is concerned, how could it not be
sporting, when one author described it as "Like Raquel Welch, buck naked,
with big silver Navaho pendant hanging in her tawny cleavage." All Triumphs
are powered by internal combustion piston engines and the experiences are
shared 'round and 'round....

I lament the Triumphs we missed here in America and I love hearing from our
cousins across the pond about their magnificent 2.5PI Saloons and Vitesse
MKII's and "economy cars" that actually have heart and soul like the
Dolomite Sprint -- and all those great Heralds and Herald derivatives with
their wonderful Alpine competition heritage.

Just think about it. The internet is a wonderful thing for creating
communities, but it's also far too easy for those communities to fragment --
insulating people from the larger community that gave rise to the smaller.
This just spreads the resources thinner and thinner and decreases the chance
that when you log on at 11pm on a desperate Saturday night that you will
make contact with that person who just solved that very similar problem with
their carbs or their starter or whatever.

Once again, just a thought, IMHO,

Chris Lillja
'66 TR4A
'74 Norton Commando 850
'71 Spit MKIV

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