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Re: TR6 Timing

To:, Triumph mailing list <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Timing
From: Jonathan Beaudoin <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:16:13 -0400
References: <> <>

Skip Osmundsen wrote:

>   BTW I believe the Bentley manual
> say's to set the timing at 4 deg atdc with the vac retard DISconnected.
> This is a mistake in the manual.
> Hope this helps.
> Skip Osmundsen
> '76 TR6
> 60 TR3A

  Thanks a lot... Thats what I wanted to know... another error in bentley. I
always tried to time the thing at 4deg atcd with the vacum disconnected...

Thanks to all for the precious infos

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