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On the road again

Subject: On the road again
From: "Philip E. Barnes" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:59:31 -0400
Took a ride up to Kingston, Ontario yesterday for Boot and Bonnet Club's
show in the park. Good turn-out, ~150 cars, great weather and good friends
all in evidence. Met John Day and Bill Gunshannon face-to-face. Bill took
home the long-distance award for the day. Plenty of nice TRs, including a
newly-restored TR250. I kidded Grant Buss (on the spit-list) and his wife
about making a VTR shrine in their trunk and they won Best Boot award.
Kudos to Boot and Bonnet and Brian and Linda Thomas for a fun event.

Next stop, British Invasion.

Phil Barnes (
Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
'71 TR6  CC61193L (22 year owner)

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

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