You can thank your lucky stars that you were gone! The Triumphs list
was relegated to a forum for what should and should not be transmitted
on the list. Trust me, you missed nothing!!!
Brad Kahler wrote:
> On Monday, August 16, 1999 6:02 PM, Michael Ferguson wrote:
> >
> > Brad Kahler is Deep Throat.
> On Monday, August 16, 1999 18:49:47, Randall Young wrote:
> > Are you talking about the Watergate era spy or Linda Lovelace ? The
> > difference could be quite significant <g>
> Being a recent evacuee this past week, I'm not sure how I got equated to
> Linda Lovelace or for that matter Watergate but it sounds like I've
> missed something this past week!
> Brad
"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
-- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer