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Re: Electrical Mystery

To: TR List <>
Subject: Re: Electrical Mystery
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:30:06 -0400
Cc: Geo Hahn <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Geo Hahn writes:

>Quite often when I push the starter button on my TR nothing happens (not
>even a solenoid click)... but I've found that if I just tap the brake
>(lights) one time it will crank and start just fine.  Once when this
>didn't work I turned the headlights on & off and that did the trick.

>By flashing the lights am I just "stirring things up"?   < Snip >
Geo Hahn
59 TR3A


I would submit for your consideration that the fact that the starter 
starts to work after tapping the brakes or flashing the lights is just 
a coincidence.  Have you tried tugging your left ear?

I would suspect the keyswitch contacts or the wiring connectors 
related to the starter solenoid.  Check for loose/corroded connections
or dirty contacts in the switch.  The "stirring things up" theory is an 
old wive's tale.  (No disrespect to married ladies of advances years 
intended .)

Also double check the battery connections.

Dave Massey

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