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Re: Grinding Gears

To: dugan127 <>
Subject: Re: Grinding Gears
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 11:26:14 -0600
Cc:, "" <>,
Organization: @Home Network
References: <00e901beebe9$dee7e7c0$>

You might want to try the other extreme and push the clutch in while you
still have the accelerator pedal down.  It's a subtle difference and I
don't mean for you the rev the engine but it's a release clutch first
idea with the acc. pedal next in real short order.  I've always done
both pedals pretty much simultaneously but I've found this works on my
TR6. My old gearbox had the grinds going into third and it helped a lot
but it even helps a lot with the new OD tranny.  I can really go through
the gears quickly using that grinds.   Brad Kahler told me
about this riding with me in the 6 and hearing my third gear grind...not
sure if that adds or subtracts from the credibility.

71TR6 CC57365
71TR6 CC65446
66TR4A CTC57806 

dugan127 wrote:
> I have a '79 Spitfire and am having trouble shifting gears. When trying to
> shift between 2/3 and 3/4 I get some grinding, unless I depress the clutch,
> then wait a couple seconds and then shift. Could this be a bad slave
> cylinder or maybe just need bleeding?
> Thanks for any help,
> Doug Carlson
> '79 Spitfire

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