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bios statistic

Subject: bios statistic
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:21:46 +0100
Reading all of the bios that have come in lately, it's kinda interesting to note
how much we listers have in common.  I don't know if anyone (Brad?? that is, if
he's still dry..) is keeping a record, but it seems many of us share an interest
(other than Triumphs) in ham radio , woodworking, skiing, photography,
electronics, music, etc.  We seem to be about average in the
marriage/divorce/single statistics, which I figured would higher in the casualty
rate since LBC's are often called "the other woman".   I guess its an LBC thing,
but one thing is for sure; no one on the list seems to lead a dull life...are we
a lucky bunch or what!

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