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Re: Pepsi and Star Wars and such

To: Triumphs e-mail list <>
Subject: Re: Pepsi and Star Wars and such
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 07:57:06 -0700
Dave Massey wrote:
>...Does this mean he was made from old Triumph parts?  Did George Lucas
>get permission from Rover to use the Name?  And, lastly, does this mean
>that just because he has the last name "Lucas" he feels he has the right
>to use any and all LBC related trademarks?
>Inquiring minds want to know.  (Not really but does any one know the
>significance of the appearance of "TRIUMPH" on the driod?)

I seem to recall hearing a rumor that George Lucas has a TR8.  (Can anyone
confirm this?)  Perhaps that's the significance.  I'll have to keep my eyes
peeled for the illustration you refer to.  Is it merely the word "Triumph,"
or is it an actual Triumph logo?  (one of many!)

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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