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Re: TR3A maiden voyage under my watch.

To: Jim <>,
Subject: Re: TR3A maiden voyage under my watch.
From: Dennis & Bridget Lambert <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:07:51 -0700
References: <> <>
I am really looking forward to the day I can send a similar story to the
list...My '61 TR-3A is about a year away (of course that's what I said
about this time last year!).

Jim wrote:
> Good on you Andy.  We're happy for you.
> T'will be a long while before HardWay is ready to go again.
> Jim and Judy
> Andy Dixon wrote:
> > Add TS41927LO to the list of the living.
> > After rebuilding the front suspension, fixing both wings, rebuilding the
> > brakes, fixing various and sundry wiring problems, rebuilding the carbs,
> > touching up the steering (still loose), new rear springs, rewiring the
> > overdrive (opening the relay as well and cleaning the contacts - boy am I
> > cheap), staying off the rust (right) in the floor, and many other tasks,
> > took my (still uninspected) TR3A to get gas the long way round. I think she
> > really liked it, I know I did. Even though she still needs new clothes, I
> > got many stares, couple of Miatas almost went into the ditch (I own one of
> > them too) they were staring so hard.
> > As I said, steering seems a little loose but maybe because I'm used to R&P.
> > Sudden change in direction with a quick change in power - need help here -
> > something to do with torque and its affect on steering. Also, left hand turn
> > and the left front wheel squeals - toe in?
> > Ran a little rough at first but seemed to smooth out after time - new gas -
> > happy to be on the road - ?
> > Need at least one new wheel but have 4 60 spokes waiting in the wings.
> >
> > Still much bodywork to do but reasonably sure she'll make it through
> > inspection. Brakes seem weak but then there's no booster so what can I
> > expect.
> >
> > Father-in-law was with me - 70 some years old and he was in 7th heaven.
> > Going to have to take the key to work with me tomorrow or he'll probably
> > take it home with him.
> >
> > Andy (happy) D.
> --
> Rawchester, Neu Yawk
> Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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