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Bios - better chime in too

Subject: Bios - better chime in too
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 15:12:32 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"

This seems like a good many of the other things I've
discovered about this list.

I'm 47. Single Dad with 5 of the 8 at home. Left a great career at GE to
take a job with a small software company to be able to stay off the road
(business travel that is) and raise my kids. Moved to Michigan from San Jose
and walked into a culture shock that still brings me to my knees in anquish
whenever I let myself dwell on it. (Mostly its a winter thing I think.)

In 1971 a low Selective Service number caused me to rethink my future and I
joined the Navy. They discovered that I could tell the difference between a
plow and a wrench and sent me to Nuc school. Bet ya didn't know that's all
it took. While there my old Honda motorcycle was my primary means of
transportation until a new roommate who owned a TR250 moved in. He loved
bikes, and I loved his I put more miles on that car than he
had since he owned it. 

Later I met a Datsun Fairlady roadster that was within my budget....ran into
my wife...picked up a Fiat.... then a lot of pain. Both the Fiat and the
future ex. But I always wanted that Triumph. Badly. Didn't pursue it because
of the lack of finances and the size of my growing family. Until......

A little over a year ago my buddy Phil - also a lister - got tired of
hearing me wax nastalgic about "that d**n car" and found one for sale. I
bought it and a parts car and the rest is history. 

I've always been pretty mechanically inclined, but this list has become an
invaluable source of information in this restoration project. Ground
up....and if all goes well it should be on the road before the end of this
driving season. Probably be setting the body back down later this week. True
labor of love. Besides, it gives me a chance to teach the 10 and 11 year old
how to weld. And my 12 year old daughter now has a very personal
understanding of why one doesn't wear long flowing hair around rotating
equipment. But each of them has their favorite. Dave wants a Spit, Ben wants
a TR3, Sam and Ruth like the look of the 4,4A, 5, and 250 era body style.
Sarah doesn't care as long as it has a "killer CD sound system" and is a
convertable. (She just turned 17 and although has volunteered to do some of
the sand blasting is alergic to anything resembling eye/hand cleaning her room.) 

They have each requested - no thats the wrong word - argued amoung
themselves who gets which car when I die. They know I want to have a GT6,
and a TR3 in addition to the current line up. So Ive pointed out that no one
gets anything until I'm too feeble to push the clutch in. They don't know
that if I have to, I'll hire a nurse to do it for me if it comes to that. 

Other hobbies...I used to shoot competitively...long ago. Now mostly I work
in the garage, drink beer, play the blues while the neighbor's dog dances,
and wait for Ms. Right to show up.....(hey, gotta think positive, and its a
pretty safe bet that Mrs. Wright won't) Between those things and the kids,
there isn't much time for anything else. And sometimes I write, and
sometimes I draw and paint, but mostly......the garage and kids. Luckily I
love it.'s to the list. Cheers.

TR250s (two projects and a parts car.)
'58 MGA. (sorry for the MG content, but it is a beautiful car.)

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