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YAB - Yet Another Biography

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: YAB - Yet Another Biography
From: "frank" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 12:31:35 +0930charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Well since it seems everyone else on the list is getting in on the
act, I might as well post mine...

I (Frank Biedermann) am 28 years old, was born in Adelaide, Australia, and
I am still there (here, whatever). I am married to Kathryn, and have been
the last (almost) six years. I have two University degrees, one in
(sadistics, or is that masochistics?), and one in Computer Science. I am
currently working as a software tester for the organisation in South
that handles all the Year 11 and 12 exams/curricula. Most of my (work) time
therefore spent plodding along, doing extremely boring stuff, and this list
provides some interesting diversions.

I acquired my 69 TR6 PI last year in July (I think), and have been
with it ever since. I don't really mean that, however, my strongest memories
seem to be of the most inconvenient moments with the car (eg the clutch
destroying itself three weeks after buying the car, the innumerable vapour
lock problems I had in summer - especially when it hits 40 degrees Celcius,
etc), rather than the fun I have driving it to work everyday.

I can't honestly say that I've had a lifelong interest in Triumphs - after
to Adelaide from spending a year living in London I decided it would be nice
to buy a different (read older, rarer, more interesting..) sort of car than
previous jalopy: a 1973 Holden HQ. For those of you who aren't Australian I
should explain this particular car - Holden made umpteen million of these
things over a period of about 10 years, but got away with it by cosmetically
changing the bodies and model names a few times over the years. They were
one of the most (if not the most) popular family cars in Aust. history -
door (mostly) sedans, underpowered with engines that ran forever... but they
were also one of the most simple to repair when something went wrong (you
could probably put three engines in the engine bay if you wanted, and
have two hot-swap spares just in case... :-). Needless to say, the handling
and straight line performance of these left much to be desired, hence the
desire to buy something interesting...

I have, however, always liked the styling of English (sports) cars, and
would like
to own more, but they're rather difficult to get hold of for a reasonable
over here.

Other interests include woodworking, electronics (don't really know much
it, but enjoy pretending, and learning more), and computing (funnily
enough -
I wonder how much longer that will last).

Anyway, I think I've rambled on for long enough now without really saying
much about myself, but you should get the general idea from the above...

Frank Biedermann
Quality Assurance/Audit Officer
60 Greenhill Rd
Wayville SA 5041

ph: (+61) 8 8372 7439
fax: (+61) 8 8372 7438

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