It's great to gain this added depth to all our "characters". At the same
time it's like an Ann Landers column for LBC addicts. true confessions or
psychic hotline..
I avidly read the mail each day but being such a novice I dont tend to have
much to offer. All your advice and help AND HUMOR always feels heartfelt.
Not what I've found in other Internet experiences.
I'll turn 50 as we enter the next millennia. My wife and I were both born
Dec 31st.. this years birthday will be quite the milestone in a couple ways.
Oh yes... several listers have been under the misconception that I am a
women. Of course.. I'm very used to this having the name Winnie (Winston
Churchill nickname). I live on a mountain top in southern Vermont. I have an
18 yr. old daughter off to college this year (it's begun.. yikes), and my 14
yr. old son who does the Triumphs with me. I have used computers in one
capacity or another since '79. The past 10 yr. I've specialized in
automating CAD software, specifically AutoCAD. " I put the "auto" into
AutoCAD so that blueprints and/or shop drawings can be generated based on
data input screens, database or spreadsheet files.
When I was 18 and first met my wife, I was tooling around in a '60-something
Spit. I loved that car. My best friend had a TR3 that we rebuilt and did
rallies in. I love TR3's the best. I would fantasize about owning another
LBC ever since. Three years ago I finally found a Triumph that I could
afford... but it needed work. It's a '72 TR6... being restored VERY slowly.
While I used to work on cars as a teen I've forgotten everything!! I'm
re-learning as we go. (Gas tank goes back in and we fire up the 6 next
month). I recently bought a running '79 Spit for $750 which is a blast!! I
hadn't even driven an LBC in 30+ years.
So.. clearly I'm into computers and Triumphs.. I'm building a woodworking
shop so that I can move my tools out of the garage. It's tough working on
cars outside all the time. I love music and we go out whenever there's
someone worth seeing. David Crosby (Crosby Stills and Nash) was in a small
music hall this week (200 people). I play Congas and percussion, guitar and
some flute. I followed the Grateful Dead since '68. Miss them. Mostly enjoy
being at home, in the woods, bouncing between my various hobbies, and trying
to finish the house.
Blah, blah blah.... enough... and once again.. your a great group of
people... thanks for all the sharing and friendly dialog!
Winnie Olmer
Winnie Olmer
CADD Solutions