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Moronic Newbie Breake Master Cyl ?? #2

Subject: Moronic Newbie Breake Master Cyl ?? #2
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 01:29:31 EDT
Ok, I hate to admit that I can't figure it out... but I have a whole list of 
excuses, including that I am waiting for my (used, hard to locate) manual for 
the TR6 to arrive...

How the heck to I get the elements out of the master cylinder once it's out 
of the car? On my old Healey, it was a circlip (I think). This sucker has 
some kinda valve body in the "up-pipe" into the reservoir, and this seems to 
a) be locked in place and b) keep the main shaft from coming out of the 
cylinder body.

What gives?

-- Confused and Nonplussed in Pasadena

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