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Spitfire body mounting question

To: "" <>
Subject: Spitfire body mounting question
From: Reg Tulk <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 20:48:17 -0500
Cc: "" <>
Ok, time to get the "new" body ('79)on the "old" frame('74) {with a lot
of help from the local MN Triumph club}
So I thought in preparation I would obtain a "body mounting kit" from
the suppliers - turns out they don't exist for a spit.  I hoped to get
all new bolts/hardware and some shims (the all important shims the books
say to label and count so the body goes on reasonably not crooked) as
well as the rubber grommet thingys that go between the body and the
frame; all in a nice "kit" form.... no luck.
So does anybody have advice on creating the parts? What to make new
shims from?  And  the rubber grommets - I've had suggestions ranging
from using old pieces of inner tube/tires,  tupperware, etc. - and   I'd
like a second opinion or two from one who has "been there/done that"-
Somebody out there must have had this problem in the past!
I also would appreciate anyone's $.02 or advice on the body swap thing -
I would like to only have to do this once...!
74  S   -p -   i     -t  fi -  r  - e- soon to whole again!

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