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Re: VTR vs. TRF Summer Party

To: Fred Thomas <>
Subject: Re: VTR vs. TRF Summer Party
From: Joe Merone <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 12:02:59 -0700 (PDT)

---Fred Thomas <> wrote:
> Joe, I do not think they are comparable, they are
two complete
> oppisites, one is all T/R & T/R people, being well
planned for 2 years
> in advance by a small dedicated group of people,
with only 2 things on
> their agenda T/R'S and club members, the club
members is very important
> to remember. TRF is a very large group of all makes
of LBC cars, you do
> not know 95% of the people present, they are
scattered all over a 20
> mile radius and just not the same feeling in the
air as VTR. Both are
> well worth attending, but they are not comparable.

Actually Fred you've just compared them in some ways
and that's exactly the type of answer I was looking
for.  Thanks.

Although not exactly apples to apples, they ARE
comparable in my mind because they are both multi-day
British car events that emphasize driving skill
events and social activities as well as a car show. 
Those are big considerations when planning long
vacations and traveling some distance.  These are NOT
your typical one-day field shows and I'm certainly
grateful to have the choice.  

I only regret not being able to go to both this year
so I'll live vicariously through the posts of others.

Joe Merone

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