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Re: Another VTR Story

To: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Another VTR Story
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 13:04:24 -0400
Bud Rolofson writes:

>My advice to the list is those coming to Colorado 
>(gotta go over at least 9500 ft. over Vail pass or 
>through the Eisenhower tunnel to get to 
>Breckenridge) for VTR 2001 to start a thread on 
>ideas for adjusting TRs for changes in altitude in 
>case you need to...I wished I'd started one about 
>6 months ago.
Your assignment is to determine how much one needs 
to adjust one's Strombergs per unit elevation.  In other
words, is it one turn per 2,700 ft?  Or 1/3 turn per 1,000 ft?

When I leave St. Louis (~500 ft) and drive to Kansas City
(~900 ft) no problem.  But when I cross Kansas I go from
900 ft elevation to Colaransas (or is it Kansarado?) at 
some 3,000 ft elevation I will need to lean out the carbs 
how much?

OK, now I've started the thread, someone else jump in.

Dave Massey

P.S.  Great report, Bud.

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