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Re: TRF Summer Party Car Show

Subject: Re: TRF Summer Party Car Show
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 22:03:47 EDT
Bill and List-

That TR5 is Charles Runyan's car (TRF proprietor). 

I had the chance to drive it on Saturday from TRF to the Drive-In. As you 
might expect, the car was very tight. What impressed me the most though was 
the additional "spirit" of a PI (Petrol Injection) car. I have a 71 TR6 that 
is a new restoration, so the suspension is as tight and as new as Charles'; 
however, the acceleration of the 6 is nothing like the response of the PI TR5!

After saying all that, I can rebuild the carbs on my car or send them off and 
have them back inside 2 weeks for around $300. I can only imagine what it 
would cost to sort out the PI if problems develop. 

Hope this helps.

Steve Thornton
Bowling Green, KY 

In a message dated 99-08-09 09:28:56 EDT, writes:

 One curiosity though.  In front of the Coventry Inn was a TR5 that
 had 2500 on the side and PI on the back.  I have never seen one of
 these before.  But when I was in Europe, I had a friend with a 
 Triumph 2.5PI.  We always used to wonder about taking a TR6 or TR250
 and putting the engine, trans and diff from the PI into it.  If I
 understand what I saw (unfortunately, this car must be someones
 transportation and wasn't in the show, so the hood was down and I
 didn't get to see the engine) Triumph actually sold a car that was
 exactly this.  Can anyone (like it's owner!) verify this to satisfy
 my curiosity??

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