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Re: Bumper info request on Spitfire

To: Jim <>, Triumphs List <>
Subject: Re: Bumper info request on Spitfire
From: Roger Elliott <>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 22:46:12 -0500
References: <>

I don't know the details of how it is done, but I have seen a few early
Spits and GT6s with the just the overrider mounted in place of the bumper.
This is the way some of the early Spits were raced.  There is a picture if a
GT6 that is as you described at

Roger Elliott

Jim wrote:

> Since I can't post a pic I'll try 'er this way.
> 66 Spitfire, S/N FC68436L.
> (soon to be) PO sends a pic showing the front of the car (sigh, such a
> pretty car) and it does NOT have a bumper.  It has ONLY two overriders.
> Here is my dilemma.  I thought the overriders attached to the bumper
> itself.
> Therefore.......
> How can the overriders be attached to the car without the bumper fitted?
> I MUST be all wet.  right?
> Picking it up TOMORROW!!!
> Jim and Judy

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