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OD again

To: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Subject: OD again
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 21:56:57 -0400
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Gernot writes:
>after I refitted the electrics as the should have been in the first place
>the od worked fine. Until yesterday.
>Half way back home on the motorway od stopped working disengaging itself.
>Makes me wonder why I bothered rewiring the whole thing when it always
>worked before. (without the solenoids and so on of course) Guess one of
>wires must have come off somewhere, time to get the tester out again...
>Cheers, Gernot
>BTW, VTR, I don't give a ****, you don't believe I fly over for some silly
>show eh?

Check the switch adjustment.  The heighth of the switch determines 
how much it is actuated by the shift rods and if the switch is not screwed
in far enough it will just barely make and on occasionally switch off 
causing the od to drop out.  Thats what happened to me.

The height of the switch is determined by washers under it.  You add or 
remove washers to adjust the height.  Try removing one and see if that
clears up the problem.  (Might explain why the PO wired around it.)

VTR,  Gernot, you are closer to Portland, Maine than some of us over 
here.  Herman drove his TR250 from southern California.

Dave Massey

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