It was actually Mary who replied from Ted's place. Which really means 2
way-to-go's are deserved. One for responding, another for having someone
watch and respond when the he is unavailable. Too bad Ted didn't have it, I
like patronizing his shop. He is a nice guy and willing to share his
Perhaps I have been unfair sending these out during VTR week. Perhaps I'll
get more replies Monday. Perhaps not.
Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum 69-TR6#CC28754L(O) W4UCK
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 1999 9:44 PM
Cc: Jim Altman
Subject: email survey
Jim -
OOPS, I mis-read your note completely - TS Imports responded spot on - way
to go
Ted. I'm going to do sit in the corner...
Dennis Culligan /'76 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH/ DNCULLIG@US.IBM.COM