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Re: tr7/8

Subject: Re: tr7/8
From: "Paul E. Turley" <>
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 01:53:16 -0400
References: <>
Sylvain Rozon wrote:

> Hi to all,
> I'd like complete infos. on the tr7/8. What to look for (prior) to
> buying one. The tests to do and so on.
> I am not too mechani. I need to buy a sound one.
> Thanks for you comments,
> Sylvain.

Being new to the list I am a bit hesitant to respond but I believe your
post requires some insight.
Triumphs are in general an odd breed of car.  They were designed from
the start as an affordable sports car (to buy, not pay someone to
maintain). As such, you have two options;  one, be mechanically inclined
or ready to learn real fast, or two, have allot of money for a mechanic
for really quite simple repairs.  It's like the saying when you buy a
1960s though mid '80s Jaguar, "did you buy a tow truck as well?"

You'll need to learn some basics before you'll really LOVE your
car,(adjust valve clearances, timing adjustments, carb adjustments) or
have the cash to let others do the work, otherwise you'll likely be
quite frustrated. The inner workings of any Triumph need a little
"tweaking" as you go so that major problems don't occur in the future.
A couple of friends and I always used to run the hell out of them on the
weekends and meet up sometime over the week for a "tune-up" gathering.
(I miss that!)
Paul E. Turley
1967 Spitfire IV MkII, FC85513L
Former owner 1968 Spitfire MkIII, and regretting every day since I sold
it 10 years ago.

"Never before in the history of man have so many known so little about
so much."   Carl Sagan

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