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To: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: VTR
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:26:15 -0400
Another report from the VTR

Tuesday, July 27 1999:  As you remember, we were in St. John, New
Brunswick.  We wanted to visit Nova Scotia but with only 1 and 1/2 
days to go before the VTR we decided it was too far.  We drove to 
Alma, New Brunswick on the Bay of Fundy (home of the world's 
highest tides) for lunch and then headed back toward Maine.
Got as far as Elsworth, Maine leaving an easy drive into Portland
for Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 28, 1999:  The official opening of the VTR 
convention and the funkahna and the welcoming reception.
It's great to see the old friends again like, um, oh, 
what's-his-face, and and, um, that-guy-over-there.  And it is 
also great to finally meet other folks I know from the list like, 
um, you know, that-guy-from-Conneticut, and, um, 
that-guy-who-said-he-wouldn't-make-it.  And the funniest thing
happened, um, well, I guess you had to have been there.

Seriously, though, its great to see the familiar faces from 
previous years and to finally put faces with names of other 
folks from the list.  And I finally met Michael Ferguson (can 
you spell photo-op?)

Well gotta go.  Having too much fun to write a report.  
Thursday was more of the same.

Dave Massey
Portland, Maine

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