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RE: Team Triumph

To: "Sylvain Rozon" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Team Triumph
From: "Michael Burdick" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 11:35:21 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
> Could someone pls provide the full details re. TEAM TRIUMPH :
> adr., phone, etc...and do they have a web site ??
> I understand they sell USED parts ? from a salvage yard or someting like
> that ?

Try <>.  Yes, they deal in used parts 
but do have some new stuff too.

I have bought a few things from them over the years and I have had
good experiences in all cases.  The parts I received were as described,
and in one case where a part was defective (found after full disassembly),
he was quick to send another.  I bought a bonnet from him after my
Spitfire got wrecked, and he shot a roll of film for me showing the details
of a couple that he had so I could choose.  From the pictures, I could see
that he has a pretty large shop with shelves of components on the walls,
as well as a number of whole cars on the floor.

I found him to be a bit gruff on the phone - very to-the-point, but not
unfriendly by any means.  He is good about returning calls too.

Hope this helps,
Mike Burdick
Durham NC
'70 Spit, '72 Stag, '64 TR4

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